MGCH Chapter 1453

Translator: Hoexos

Proofreader/editor: Yoongs

The Singer’s Ex-Boyfriend Is A Cat (54)

She knows that Ou Jinmo is not as pure as he seems, but he’s not a rogue either.   

 Bai Weiwei thought that, even though he had pretended to be an angel for so long, he should still have at least a small virtuous part within him, despite being a twisted person overall.

His warm breath lingered on her neck, and his fingers were lightly pressing on her arm.

The posture restraining her felt all too familiar.

…Oh dear, it seems like that little virtuous part he has might have been devoured by the twisted side. And now, it was only the twisted part that is supporting his character.

Suddenly, several footsteps could be heard approaching. It was also accompanied by the sound of the director rushing and shouting that the show was about to begin.

Even though they were at the corner of the staircase—a visual blind spot with a broken light, there was still a chance of being seen by a passerby. 

Bai Weiwei’s body went tense, her breath becoming uneven. She suppressed the volume of her voice as she pleaded, “Ou Jinmo, let me go. I have to attend the show.”

She didn’t see the man leaning on her, his eyes slightly drooping, with the heat hidden behind his eyelashes.

It’s always the cat that can get this close to her.

Her breath was familiar and comforting, making him unable to resist the desire to linger close to her and not move away.

“Ou Jinmo?”

Her voice began to sound uneasy.

Ou Jinmo whispered in a hoarse voice, “Do you still want to sleep with a wealthy sponsor?”

If she really wanted to, he would be angry.

Bai Weiwei heard the continuous footsteps approaching as well as the voices of the program crew calling out her name.

She finally couldn’t stand Ou Jinmo’s shameless act any longer.

“I’m just making a joke. If I really had such thoughts, could I still afford to eat instant noodles every day?”

​​Ou Jinmo’s throat tightened at the mention of instant noodles.

Then, he gently released her.

Upon feeling him loosen his restraint, Bai Weiwei immediately stretched out her hands to push him away.

She glared at him hard. “You are just inexplicable.”

She turned to leave. It didn’t even take three steps before a hand was pressed on her shoulder.

Frightened, Bai Weiwei’s body trembled, and she was almost on the verge of exploding from anger.

However, she saw the man behind her only calmly extending his fingertips to straighten her clothes.

“You can’t go out like this; it might raise suspicions.”

Bai Weiwei stood still, not resisting his actions, but her tone was unstable, indicating her frustration.

“Ou Jinmo, if you’re just trying to help Jiang Rou regain face and play a prank on me, then you have completely succeeded. If people find out that I’m with you, I will no longer be allowed to participate in the program.”

She was already being criticized by netizens online.

And yet, Ou Jinmo still wanted to add fuel to the fire.

The man behind her fell silent for a moment before saying in a muffled voice, “No one saw.”

After assuring her, he gave her a gentle push.

Pushing her out.

Bai Weiwei looked around her. Although there was a constant flow of people, no one really paid attention to this place.

The camera surveillance couldn’t even detect this place as it was a blind spot.

Ou Jinmo was indeed well-versed in the entertainment industry after surviving for many years.

He was especially familiar with this aspect.

While Bai Weiwei didn’t look back, her steps seemed to hesitate for a moment before walking away.

After she left, Ou Jinmo leaned against the dark wall and flicked a cigarette butt to the ground.

The cigarette was casually bought from a small shop.

There were no surveillance cameras, and the shopkeeper was an elderly man in his seventies or eighties.

He was very careful about avoiding any dangers that could make him the subject of news.

It had become almost instinctual for him.

He took another cigarette out of his pocket again. Lighting it, he held it between his fingers as he seemed to fall into a contemplative state.

His gaze was dark, tinged with a hint of confusion.

As he thought that Bai Weiwei’s statement actually did make sense. If he truly meant well for her, he shouldn’t have come to find her.

Even if he turned into her cat and received care from her.


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